Saturday, July 05, 2008

Patriotic reflections

Patriotism...what the heck is it? Is it flying Old Glory on the Fourth of July and Flag Day? Is it thanking our troops for the sacrifices they make? Is it paying our taxes and voting? Can we find it in a building or depicted in a work of art?

The symbols of patriotism in America are many and varied: the Stars and Stripes, our songs, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln memorial, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a Purple Heart, the Declaration of Independence, the Statue of Liberty. Of these, the Statue of Liberty is not an image of a real person, mortal or immortal, nor is it a memorial or recollection of the past. She is the present, an image of an immortal idea representing the passion for that idea embraced by our forefathers when they came to America to find jobs, to find a better life, to have the right to own land, to be able to hunt for food and to choose who should rule over them. It was exemplified by the men who drafted and signed the Declaration of Independence, and those who joined the fight against England that all may know our belief "That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." We hold these truths to be self evident. That is why we engaged in the World Wars, why we aided the fight in Korea and Vietnam: the rights of others were being violated. Were those who were violated Americans? No, but we certainly didn't let that stop us from coming to their aid. When the first attack in over 60 years to take place on American soil occurred only a few years ago, suddenly, people remembered Old Glory, and the Sentry of America, the Statue of Liberty. They began to fly the flag with pride, tears streamed from their eyes once again when they heard "the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there." Patriotism does exist in just sort of seems to lay dormant until a tragedy happens that demands a rallying of forces .

Many don't know the words on the statue of liberty. She says "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." that's really what America is made of...and it is grand. Millions of poor, battered immigrants That a whole nation should "hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men a created equal," and that everyone has the rite to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness....that just sort of rocks the world and shakes it upside down! That's why the beginning of the revolutionary war was the "Shot heard 'round the World." It was such a new idea, it was earth shattering, flying in the face of every Western Nation of the time.

Patriotism is a love of Country, of countrymen, and of ideals. Ideas are dangerous and motivating, the shape the destiny of people, movements, and ages. When we proclaim our ideas, take pride in our country and our identity as Americans. Maybe that's why shivers run down my spine during the national Anthem, why I love knowing all the songs about America that I can find, why fireworks on Independence Day make me happy. God bless the United States of America.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Summer update #2

Well, summer is fast fading away, and the weather in Virginia is finally cooling off...for a very short time I'm sure. It has been around 92F for most of the summer, give or take, and very humid. However, the great summer of 2008 has seen a relatively new addition to our weather: smoke. The fire in North Carolina blows directly our way from the South, covering us in a blanket of thick gray smoke. It smells nice, but does a number on one's lungs. They say it is burning 3 feet below the ground cause of the peat moss out that way, and that the only thing that could really put it out is a hurricane. On top of that, the great dismal swamp is burning as well. Well, unfortunately the Lord will never wipe away the face of the earth by water again, so he's going to burn it off.

We've been able to make the garden look better this year than we have in the last 10 years. Seems like our work on the stubborn gray clay has payed off finally. Lots of top soil, turning, and dead plant matter later, we have Tiger Lilies, chrysanthemums, Bleeding Hearts, foxgloves, Zinnias, Hostas, Hydrangas, and several varieties of unknown bulbs. Peter and I have worked alot outside this year. Peter is trying to turn outdoorsman (thanks to books and boyscouts) and has taken to splitting logs. The little ones are happy to assist him in this, and scrape off the bark and stack after the logs are split.

I've a part time job with a nursing home for severely disabled children. I was unable to find a full time position anywhere cause no one wants out of town college students, but this is nice enough. There are some of the cutest kids there, all deformed to some extent from birth defects, diseases, or accidents. Some had childhood illnesses that left their brains dysfunctional. I work mostly with teenagers.

My siblings and I have passes to the local recreation center, the city kid's workout. we don't have pastures to roam and lakes to swim in, therefore we need a pool or some other body of water. We play in the street, but there are these things called cars and power lines that continually get in the way...and we have already knocked the mailbox down once with a body.

Well, that's all forthe update now. More later.
Good night folks and God love you.