Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Lady

Excerpt from This Tremendous Lover by M Eugene Boylan

Happily there is a short cut to that union with Christ for the individual and for society. For as Pius X taught: "They are miserable and unfortunate who under the pretext of honoring Christ neglect Mary, for they do not know that the Child cannot be found except with His Mother." And the same Holy Father quotes the Apocalypze:

And a great sign appeared in heaven. A woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and on her head a crown of twelve stars. And being with child, she cried travailing in birth and was in pain to be delivered.

and it applies to Our Lady, who, though blessed in heaven, is still laboring in a mysterious birth. Whose birth? asks the Holy Father: clearly ours, who are still detained in exile and have yet to be brought forth to the perfect charity of God and eternal happiness.

The part played by our Lady in our sanctification is so important that it calls for a book itself.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Saint Joseph, Ora pro nobis.

Saint Joseph, the husband of Our Blessed Lady and foster father of Our Blessed Lord is the man closest to Jesus. He exemplifies exceptional purity, humility, and strength. Holy Scripture rarely refers to anyone as righteous, but it does use this word to describe Joseph, therefore declaring that he is exceptionally holy. He has never failed me, and is invoked as the patron of family harmony, guardian of the church, patron of fathers and husbands, patron of virgins, patron of a good death. Pretty good resume, if you think about it. Here are some of my favorite prayers to the man closest to Christ. The Novena is great and has never been known to fail, so there is a caution with it saying to be careful what you ask for. It's a good one to use with vocations, family matters, and protection against impurity.

Memorare of Saint Joseph
Remember, O most chaste spouse of the Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided. Full of confidence in your power I fly to you and beg your protection. Despise not, O foster-father of the Redeemer, my humble supplication, but in your bounty hear and answer me. Amen.

Prayer to St. Joseph (Novena if said 9 consecutive mornings).
O Saint Joseph, who's protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from thy Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ Our Lord so that having engaged here below your heavenly power I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breathe. Saint Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Things Irish coming soon

Due to the requests I've had, and the general need of the thing, I will be starting another blog shortly after the beginning of the school year.
What is the pressing need, you say? Why, Irish done in a simply way.
Dances, songs, lyrics, and such,
videos of ceilidhs we've had, and much
more than I now care to tell.
An Irish blog. How quaint. Well....
Anyhow, 'twill be up by October, God willing. Just thought I'd announce that. I'll be looking for contributors as well,
Peace be with ya all, and God bless your house and all that dwell in it.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

what do I do with my life?

There comes a time in a person’s life when they have to decide if they like mountains or plateaus. Personally, mountain is much easier to spell than plateau so it is a nicer word. But seriously, a person cannot just stay where they are. “Christ loves you just the way you are” is a common religious platitude, and, though true in itself does not contain the fullness of the message it tries to convey. Yes, Our Lord loves you just the way you are because He is so merciful and loving that despite how disgusting and offensive your actions, thoughts, and ideas may be, He still sees His beloved creation: you. However, He loves you so much that Our Blessed Lord wants you and I in heaven with Him, which is why the end of our lives should be to know, to love, and to serve God. He loves you too much to let you continue down the road to punishment. Holiness is that which each person ought to be striving for. Everything else will fall into place. The quest for holiness leads to happiness, joy, peace, self control, good interpersonal relationships, etc.

I have met many a person who knows that a vocation is the way a person is to get to heaven. Suddenly, they become consumed in trying to figure out or “find” their vocation. They cannot move on without finding their vocation, so they try this, try that, embrace Ignatian spirituality for a month, then Franciscan, never really solidifying their relationship with Christ and with themselves. Honestly, yes, you want to know your vocation, but relax! Just strive for holiness and remove yourself from sin and your vocation will find you. Otherwise, you can get trapped into a cycle of “is he the one? Is this the time? Am I called to this order or that one?” each and every time a new option crosses your path, and you get all flustered that there may yet be another possible path.

Saint John Bosco was an acrobat as a youngster, and likened the way of sanctification to walking a tight rope. “I would keep my balance by looking straight ahead, my eye on my goal, never to either side or down. I knew that if I removed my eyes from the goal, I would lose my balance and fall” he said. “When striving for God, walk a straight path, and keep the minds eye turned to the Lord, never looking down or looking to either side, for I know I will fall and loose my way.”

Holiness is the means and the end. Everything else will fall into place. All I want is to begin life after death hearing the words: “Well done, my good and faithful servant…”