Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My dad is an amazing man. I know that tons of folks would say that, but that is good! they should say it! Dads are amazing. My father is a fairly quiet individual. Oh, he isn't shy or anything, he just doesn't talk for no reason. I don't think I've ever had a phone conversation with the man that lasted more than 5 minutes (unless I was lost). Until I was in college I had no idea what kind of music my dad liked. As a small child (back when gas was like 0.73/gal) whenever my sister and I rode in dad's car we'd yell out "Daddy! Daddy! play ballerina music please!" and he'd flip around to different channels until he found the classical station. My father knew nothing about little girls before we came along, and somehow, he managed to put pony tails in our hair, clip in ribbon, tie bows in our dresses, and make sure the wrinkles were out of our socks and ruffle folded just right.

Daily Prayer

If you are anything like me, you have great intentions to pray each day and keep things together. However, if you are also like me, you hop out of bed at the last minute and start doing a ton of things right away. =)

This afternoon I received an email from our parish preist urging the parish not to forget to pray during this busy time. He sent a little meditation from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom for our inspiration. "May our mouths be full of Thy praise, O Lord, that we may sing Thy glory, for Thou didst render us worthy to partake of Thy holy, immortal, and pure mysteries.  Confirm us in thy holiness that we may meditate upon Thy justice all the day long."

God thought so well of me that He desired to allow me to partake of that most wonderful mysetery, the Eucharist. He truly is awesome. How wondeful is that!

Oh Lord, I dedicate this day and all that happens to you. please don't leave me alone, or I will mess things up royally.I love you.