Friday, November 13, 2009

Living Simply

As one attempts to grow in virtue, he finds that there are certain virtues which are more difficult to come by than others. One of these for me is simplicity. I have taken on a great deal of the materialism surrounding me in this world, and every time I leave the house I am always searching for lovely Catholic music, modest skirts and tops, and chocolate. I'm very frugal about it all, for I can get three skirts for $10 at the thrift store...but the amount of clothing which I possess is astounding and enough to clothe 3 or 4 or me without having to share clothes from day to day!

Simplicity is not necessarily a moral virtue, but is definitely a virtue which aids one in developing moral virtue. If one lives in a detached manner, with few and simpler possessions, there would have to be fewer occasions of sin simply because there isn't enough material about to promote vanity and anger towards family members who mess up your stuff. It is shameful how much "extra" stuff people own which is never used but only pushed around and dusted. I often think thoughts on this line as I angrily step over the clutter around my room.

These people take this teaching to a whole new level. Actually, it is a very old level, but they take it to the extreme. Plain Catholics live their lives in as simple as possible a way in something. I think it may be linked to the "back to the land" movement as well. I'm not advocating this whole thing, because we must still live in this world, but it is an interesting idea.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post that I can really relate to. In my quest for simplicity I often find myself buying more things related to the topic of simplicity yet far from living more simply!
    I've missed reading your blog, but the time away is good for me. Caleb was so happy to see a post...his first aside from dear old mom.
