Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Favorite Pictures

One day towards the culmination of my final semester, I found myself without much to do and a camera in my hand. Actually, there was probably plenty to do, but I couldn't think of anything better at the time. You know when you are always saying to yourself "if I had time, I would do x, y, and z" or "goodness, will I ever find the time to finish that?" and then one day, you find yourself with nothing but time on your hands and you can't remember a thing that you wanted to do? Well, this was one of those times. I finally got a chance to play with the camera, and several things lying on my counter top crying to be preserved for posterity. I always like looking at artistically pleasing photographs, and taking them is even more enjoyable.

Bananas and Bread and Peppers:
some very happy things...especially for poverty stricken students who happened to find them on sale at Aldis and needed a spike in nutritional well being. They also looked amazing in color. Lotsa vitamin C, Beta carotene, water, and endorphines (released by happy things).

Great-granny's copper teapot and the cast iron skillet my mother gave me were staples to make it through the the extreme cold of the Ohio winter weather.

"Green besprings Ohio Valley..." well, at least part of it...the buds were just coming in and I have no idea why the grass was so very green that early.