Monday, September 24, 2012


One of my enterprises which I had begun this spring is to pay off my debts as soon as possible. This is no easy feat even for a college graduate with a good job. Since raising one's income proves to be a rather difficult accomplishment any way you slice it, reducing expenses is a more feasible way to go. My dear friend MaryClare pointed out that it would be much more cost effective to make my own laundry detergent, which I could hardly believe. I only use a small container ever other month, but when I calculated it out, I spend about 5$ each time, and that is 30 dollars per year on laundrey soap. I spent a total of 12 dollars on supplies to make enough laundry detergent for 100 gallons! At my current rate, that is enough for at least 10 years conservatively. Instead of spending approximately at least $300 in that amount of time, I shall have spent 12! and it can be scented however I like! The recipe that MaryClare uses is the one the now famous Duggar family used, and it can be found here.