Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Soulmate and online dating.

The concept of soulmates is pagan and utterly idiotic. The idea is that everyone was one whole and could satisfy their every need and there was unity in the being, but then they were split apart and doomed to forever roam the earth looking for their "soulmate."


Is my vocation marriage? Yes! At least I think so. Would I like to be married? Yes. However, I would tend to point I don't actually care much where I meet my husband, though I do admit to have a preference for meeting him organically. I know that God wants me to marry and I need to leave the where/why/how/whom to Him. Why did I sign up for this Catholic marriage website? Uh, my mom told me to. Lol...I actually did it on a whim. How's that for mature, discerning, and rational adult decision making? I am happy with my life. I cannot change something about my life unless I am already happy with it and want to make it better. I happy as a single gal...could I give that up for the good of my beloved? Yes, because that is love. I firmly believe that I can love my other even though I have not met him simply by living my life well and by being willing to take a risk.

Love is risky. Someone was once crucified for love.

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